[BUG][0.16 blocker] HPSS raises NotLocalURL when there is no working tree

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Apr 21 00:35:18 BST 2007

I was just trying:

jigglypuff % bzr push
This transport does not update the working tree of:
Pushed up to revision 2452.

However that branch does not have a working tree.

I haven't dug into it deeply, but my guess is that '.open_workingtree()'
is raising NotLocalURL even though it hasn't checked whether or not
there is a remote working tree.

It should raise NoWorkingTree if there isn't one, and only raise
NotLocalURL if there *is* a working tree, but it *isn't* accessible.

This (IMO) is worth blocking 0.16rc1.


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