HPSS: Client-side objects

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Apr 18 22:16:50 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 09:01 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Right.  I am uneasy with this.  I would rather not have a fuzzy API,
> but
> if Robert or one of the other core devs feels this kind of fuzz is
> okay,
> I will drop it.

I think that set_revision_history should be deprecated as its a
non-scalable api (it requires accessing all the left-side history).
We've been normalising silently on set_last_revision() (our previous
main api for this) for about 5 releases. I think the risk is low of
tragic errors, and if we update the docstring now, or better yet
deprecate it in 0.16, then its ok.

> ath_for_remote_call(self._client)
> >>> +        if rev_history == []:
> >>> +            rev_id = ''
> >> ^^^ I think NULL_REVISION/'null:' is much better than '' for this
> purpose.
> > 
> > NULL_REVISION is never stored to disk.
> Yes it is.  It is used in the branch 6 format to represent the NULL
> revision.  When you initialize a branch6 branch, it sets the
> last-revision to "0 null:\n" 

Ah, I didn't realise - there used to be a comment saying that
NULL_REVISION's value is internal only, not to be serialised, and so on.

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