welcome, Bazaar summer-of-code students

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Wed Apr 18 08:23:37 BST 2007

Google have agreed to sponsor three talented students to work on
Bazaar during their holidays.  They are:

  Klaus Hartke (from Germany), on Visual Studio integration
  Alexander C Haro (USA), on Windows shell integration
  Bogdano Arendartchuk (Brazil), on an encrypted repository format

I am happy to see someone representing the southern hemisphere and
having a winter of code!

We had a number of good applications this year and unfortunately could
not accept more.

Please make them welcome, test and review their code, and give
feedback and encouragement.  The Windows improvements should be very
valuable and the encrypted storage format is intriguing.

The code phase of the project is scheduled to start in late April, I
suppose after the exam period for American universities.  But we don't
have to wait until then, and we can at least start talking about these
things.  It was very cool to see (as far as I am aware) some code
already from Klaus and Alexander, and Bogdano on irc.

I would like to invite our students to the upcoming sprint in London,
from the 14th to 18th of May.  I hope this doesn't clash with your
exams and that you will be able to come and meet more of the people
you'll be working with.  Please mail me directly to let me know.



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