tags in log

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Apr 17 19:55:43 BST 2007

Radim Kolar SF.NET wrote:
>>>> Is there a way to see tags in bzr log output ?
>>> There is a pending patch, but nothing at the moment.
>> Thanks, i thought i missed something...
> It would be nice to have bzr tags output like:
> 0.27	1420   hsn at sendmail.cz-20070413170052-p5q2pko41rsfwpay
> 0.28    1435   hsn at sendmail.cz-20070415093258-efzq8g0b5wck3roi
> instead of
> (hsn at ttyp0):~/sf/loader% bzr tags
> 0.27                 hsn at sendmail.cz-20070413170052-p5q2pko41rsfwpay
> 0.28                 hsn at sendmail.cz-20070415093258-efzq8g0b5wck3roi

Agreed. They actually should end up as dotted revnos, since they may not
be mainline tags.

annotate.py has code to give a revision_id => dotted revno dictionary,
which should probably be abstracted into a function on Branch:

>     branch_last_revision = branch.last_revision()
>     revision_graph = branch.repository.get_revision_graph(branch_last_revision)
>     merge_sorted_revisions = tsort.merge_sort(
>         revision_graph,
>         branch_last_revision,
>         None,
>         generate_revno=True)
>     revision_id_to_revno = dict((rev_id, revno)
>                                 for seq_num, rev_id, depth, revno, end_of_merge
>                                  in merge_sorted_revisions)


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