HPSS: Other test changes

Andrew Bennetts andrew at canonical.com
Tue Apr 17 10:49:20 BST 2007

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 13:23 +1000, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> > 
> >                     'bzrlib.tests.test_store',
> > -                   'bzrlib.tests.test_strace',
> >                     'bzrlib.tests.test_subsume', 
> -1 on this change.

It was already gone; I just didn't adjust the old uber-diff :)

> +        if isinstance(self.branch_format, RemoteBranchFormat):
> +            raise TestSkipped(
> +                "RemoteBranches don't have 'control_files'.")
> I'm not sure if this is appropriate: do we want a Skip? or is it just an
> irrelevant test?

Just irrelevant, I think.  At the time I wasn't aware that there was meant to be
a difference between an early return and a skip.  Also, this method is a helper
rather than a test method, so raising an exception is the only convenient way to
stop the test from here.

(I think the early return idiom is a bit too unclear.  I'd rather the "test does
not apply" situation had its own exception, so that stopping a test from a
helper is easy, and so that there's an obvious place to explain why this test
cannot go on.)

> ANyhow, AIUI RemoteBranch *does* have control_files now. -1 on this
> change.

That's true.  But RemoteRepositories still don't, so these tests still don't

For now, I've updated this to be:

        if isinstance(self.bzrdir_format, RemoteBzrDirFormat):
            raise TestSkipped(
                "RemoteRepository objects don't have 'control_files'.")

>      def test_smart_wsgi_app_uses_given_relpath(self):
> +        # XXX XXX XXX update comment
>          # The SmartWSGIApp should use the "bzrlib.relpath" field from
> the
>          # WSGI environ to clone from its backing transport to get a
> specific
>          # transport for this request.
> The XXX should be done before merging.

Done.  (It didn't actually need updating; I think that was a leftover from a
dead end of the chroot work.)


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