Python 2.5.1rc1

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Apr 14 14:48:49 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Recently I saw announce of new Python 2.5.1 rc1 (bugfix release).
Full list of fixed bugs and approved patches you could see here:

I just want to quote some points, that seems interesting for bzr.

- - Bug #1576174: WindowsError now displays the windows error code
  again, no longer the posix error code.

	(i.e. Python now coming back to 2.4 behavior)

- - Bug #1686475: Support stat'ing open files on Windows again.

	(I think we never call os.stat on opened files,
	but we should be aware of this bug in 2.5)

- - Bug #1548891: The cStringIO.StringIO() constructor now encodes unicode
  arguments with the system default encoding just like the write()
  method does, instead of converting it to a raw buffer.

- - Bug #1565150: Fix subsecond processing for os.utime on Windows.

- - Bug #767111: fix long-standing bug in urllib which caused an
  AttributeError instead of an IOError when the server's response didn't
  contain a valid HTTP status line.

- - Bug #1582282: Fix email.header.decode_header() to properly treat encoded
  words with no delimiting whitespace as a single word.

- - Patch #1449244: Support Unicode strings in

- - Bug #1637850:  make_table in difflib did not work with unicode

- - unittest now verifies more of its assumptions. In particular, TestCase
  and TestSuite subclasses (not instances) are no longer accepted in
  TestSuite.addTest(). This should cause no incompatibility since it
  never made sense with ordinary subclasses -- the failure just occurred
  later, with a more cumbersome exception.

- - Bug #1124861: Automatically create pipes if GetStdHandle fails in


- - Bug #1598181: Avoid O(N**2) bottleneck in subprocess communicate().

- - Patch #1627441: close sockets properly in urllib2.

- - Patch #1359217: Process 2xx response in an ftplib transfer
  that precedes an 1xx response.

- - Patch #1574068: fix urllib/urllib2 to not insert line breaks when
  HTTP authentication data was very long.

- - Patch #1617413: fix urllib's support for  HTTP Basic authentication via HTTPS
  (patch by Dug Song).

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