[MERGE] 'make api-docs' and 'make check-api-docs'
John Arbash Meinel
john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Apr 13 14:58:57 BST 2007
Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel ?8H5B:
>> The attached patch is my start at cleaning up the api documentation.
>> With the first step being to make it possible to actually *generate* api
>> documentation.
>> I'm looking at both pydoctor and epydoc, but for now I'm focusing on
>> epydoc. I got it to be okay with lazy_imports, and that means that the
>> documentation will be correct when we have @decorators.
> I was trying to run pydoctor, but it has infinite dependencies list,
> including Twisted as well. It's depress me a lot.
> I'd like to use epydoc, because it needs only docutils.
> [µ]
Yeah, pydoctor does have a lot of dependencies. Twisted and
zope.interfaces (because of Nevow).
That is (generally) why we have package managers. It is funny, though,
of how easy it has traditionally been to install pre-built packages on
Windows. And it was always difficult on Linux (configure, make, make
install?), especially with dependencies.
But Linux (and BSD) grew up and figured out how to do nice dependencies,
and now it is significantly harder on Windows as soon as you step out of
pre-built binaries.
Anyway, you'll be happy to know that I'm focusing on epydoc for now.
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