Install medusa on PQM

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Apr 13 00:05:43 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 15:04 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> It seems the FTP tests aren't being run on PQM. I'm not positive about
> this, but it seems we have a version skew between FTPServer and what
> TestCaseWithMemoryTransport.get_server() expects.
> I'm going to try to work out a patch which gets the FTPServer working
> again, but after I do, we really should make sure PQM is actually
> running all of the tests. (I know there was an earlier problem with not
> having paramiko installed).

Whats the right package name to ask for on Ubuntu Dapper?

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