Using the SmartServer of v0.15 with xinetd

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Apr 12 16:55:17 BST 2007

Thomas Ackermann wrote:
> Hello,
> i tried the following to get bzr running as daemon under xinetd:
> localhost:/etc/xinetd.d # cat bzr
> service bzr
> {
>         server_args     = serve --inet --directory=/home/archive/bzr
>         log_on_success  += DURATION USERID
>         log_on_failure  += USERID
>         nice            = 10
>         disable         = no
>         socket_type     = stream
>         protocol        = tcp
>         wait            = no
>         user            = bzruser
>         server          = /usr/local/bin/bzr
>         port            = 22618
> }


What is $HOME set to for the running bzr process?

If you are getting a failure to open /root/.bzr.log it sounds like $HOME
is set to /root. Which will also have implications for ~/.bazaar/
~/.bazaar/plugins, etc.


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