backward diffs in knits?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Apr 11 15:59:01 BST 2007

Robert Collins wrote:

>> I don't think backwards deltas should be generated "on-the-fly",
>> because
>> of the potential for a new corruption to lose old data.
> I'm not sure what you mean here, in particular you can always perform a
> check of all data after the pull, if and only if we have altered
> representation.

I was thinking more at "per-commit" time, not so much at 'pull' time.
Simply because commit really only works with one revision at a time, and
it doesn't seem like you want to do a full integrity check, etc.

But pull will usually be operating on more (and also transmitting them
over the wire).

>> However, it could make sense for an "archive" command. Where you
>> packaged up a bunch of older revisions to make them more dense, and
>> sort
>> of put them off to the side. They should still be accessible, but
>> maybe
>> they wouldn't be in the default search every time.
> I see this as a variation on 'pack' - is that what you were thinking of?

Same thing. Perhaps more of an obvious 'put it to the side', as in you
would not do it on recent revisions... But it is just an idea, not
something I thought through thoroughly.


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