dotted revision numbers oddity

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sun Apr 8 23:06:30 BST 2007

Erik Bågfors wrote:
> I belive they are numbered after where they where when committed, not
> where they are now.  That is. at rev 55, someone created a new branch,
> commited 56, 57, .....
> Then in "this" branch, someone commited 56, and then merged the other
> branch.
> so 55.1.1 has a "parrent" and that is 55.

Correct. The graph would look something like:

55 - - - -,
| \        \
|  55.1.1 55.2.1
|  |       |
56 55.1.2 55.2.2
| /        |
57        /
| . - - -'

So things are numbered based on their source, not their merge target.

If you want, you can see a huge discussion on this in the archives. Both
have merit, but ultimately the nice thing about these numbers is that
they are 100% stable from a given mainline[1] and easy to compute.


[1] Any future actions will not change the numbering as long as the
left-hand parents are kept. So if you merge 58 into a different branch
of 55.2.2, then the numbers would change, since 55.2.2 might become the
mainline #57.

> /Erik
> On 4/8/07, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a very strange case with dotted revision numbers :
>> $ bzr log
>> [...]
>> revno: 57
>> message:
>>   [...]
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>     revno: 55.1.5
>>     merged:
>> Arch-1:Matthieu.Moy at
>>     [...]
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>     revno: 55.1.4
>>     [...]
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>>     revno: 55.1.1
>>     [...]
>>     message:
>>       tag of Matthieu.Moy at
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> revno: 56
>> [...]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> revno: 55
>> committer: Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at>
>> timestamp: Mon 2005-04-04 08:59:06 +0000
>> message:
>>   Create .libs/ before running "ln -s" in
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> I would have expected revisions showing up after 57 to be numbered
>> 57.something. Here, they are 55.{1,2,3,4,5}.
>> Is it a bug, or a surprising feature?
>> (as you might have guessed, this is an import from an arch repo)
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Matthieu

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