[MERGE] Minor help fixes for add, commit, export

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Thu Apr 5 03:23:09 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Aaron Bentley has voted -0.
>> Status is now: Approved
>> Comment:
>> Adding info about selected-file commits and merge is fine.  Removing
>> information about selected-file commits without merge doesn't make sense.
> Can you briefly explain when exactly a selected file commit will fail?

~$ bzr init foo
abentley at lappy:~$ mkdir foo/bar
abentley at lappy:~$ bzr add foo/bar
added bar
abentley at lappy:~$ bzr commit foo -m "committing foo"
added bar
Committed revision 1.
abentley at lappy:~$ bzr mv foo/bar foo/baz
bar => baz
abentley at lappy:~$ mkdir foo/bar
abentley at lappy:~$ bzr add foo/bar
added bar
abentley at lappy:~$ bzr commit -m "committing bar but not baz" foo/bar
added bar
bzr: ERROR: bar is already versioned

> And why that's a reasonable limitation for commit to have?

If the user wanted the rename of bar => baz to be committed, they would
have specified so.  Failing to commit gives the user the opportunity to
decide whether they want to commit the rename and the add of bar at the
same time, or to commit the rename first, or to not commit at all.

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