Format Option

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Mar 30 16:21:10 BST 2007

Eugene Wee wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any difference between --dirstate-tags and
> --dirstate-with-subtree? The 0.15rc1 email recommends the latter if one
> wants to use tags. However, it seems to me that --dirstate-tags is more
> user friendly, so it could have been part of an update for rc2 or rc3
> and is now recommended. Is this the case?
> Thanks,
> Eugene Wee

--dirstate-tags was introduced in a later rc and is indeed the
recommended method for using tags. It is a smaller format change from
--dirstate-with-subtree, which doesn't introduce some of the
incompatible features (but still introduces tags).


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