Entry IDs for Atom feeds generated from Bazaar branches

James Henstridge james at jamesh.id.au
Fri Mar 30 03:42:19 BST 2007

On 30/03/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> I would only mention 2 things...
> 1) I don't really prefer Caps in urls. I don't really care, but maybe
> "http://bazaar-vcs.org/revision-id#$REVISION_ID" ? I realize this is a
> little bit conflicting with Moin, but we already have that for bzr-gtk.

I'm not too concerned with the actual page.  I'd originally thought of
using http://bazaar-vcs.org/revid/$REVISION_ID, but Robert thought
using RevisionId and a fragment identifier would fit into the website
better in case people tried to browse to the entry ID.

> 2) I would also mention that they should be url escaped. (@ => %40,
> etc). Just so that people don't forget about it.

Yep.  The Atom spec recommends only percent encoding characters that
need to be encoded, so I'll take a look at what characters these are
for fragment identifiers (I am not sure that @ needs to be, for


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