hpss branch - all tests passing!

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Thu Mar 29 14:14:07 BST 2007

I'm sure you've considered this idea but I can't help suggest it after 
reading the list and noticing there seems to be fairly regular problems 
with the test suite on Windows...

Would it be difficult to make PQM only commit if tests pass on Linux AND 
Windows so you know all tests always pass on both platforms for every 
commit to bzr.dev. I guess this would require the Linux box running PQM 
to talk to a Windows machine and ask it to run the tests. A simple 
socket and a basic protocol would do the trick or just a shared samba 
directory that the Linux box writes a file to and the Windows one polls 
it and writes a result file back. A bit of work but seeing as bazaar is 
on both platforms it would be nice to have and would probably make 
things easier for Alexander (or is that Olexandr?) and have the 
advantage of finding problems earlier rather than later.


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