'bzr: ERROR: Not a branch' on existing local branch. Can I repair it?

Stevens, Ian IStevens at globeandmail.com
Wed Mar 28 21:21:13 BST 2007

I leave my local bzr repository alone for a week and it craps out on me.
I am managing a local repository with Bazaar 0.14.0 on a Windows
machine.  Running a bzr command (eg. diff, ci, log) on a branch, my
trunk actually, in that repository returns an error of "bzr: ERROR: Not
a branch".  There are files in .bzr and that repo has weeks of history.
I have a few other repos branched from that one which are still fine,
and one other which gives the same error.  The trunk is the most
recently updated branch.  The most recently updated branch from my trunk
is fine, but an older one gives the error.


I'm not sure what the problem is here, but I'd really like my trunk back
with its history.  Is there any way to repair a branch?




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