ignore patterns

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Mar 26 15:21:32 BST 2007

Adam Mercer wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to configure bzr so that it ignores temporary build files
> associated with one of the projects I'm working on, temporary files
> are created in directories of the form
> packages/one/src/file.lo
> packages/two/src/file.lo
> etc...
> so looking at the help message associated with bzr ignore I added the
> following to my .bzrignore file
> 'packages/**/src/*.lo'
> but these files are not being ignored. What is the appropriate entry I
> need to put in .bzrignore for these files to be ignored?
> Cheers
> Adam

You may need a newer 'bzr' to support '**'. But the other question is,
why not ignore "*.lo" everywhere with just a simple:


Do you want to version them somewhere else?


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