[MERGE][0.15][bug 90111] Kind changes should properly set IE.revision

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Mar 23 20:51:51 GMT 2007

There was a small bug in our commit/snapshot code. That if a file
changed into a directory, but was in the same location, the directory
did not notice the change as an actual change (because .name and
.parent_id are the same).

This patch does 2 things. First, it fixes InventoryEntry._unchanged() so
that all classes check that the current kind is the same as the
ancestor's kind.

Second it changes find_previous_heads so that if ie.kind != self.kind,
it isn't considered a possible head.

The first change fixes commit, and the second fixes branches that have
encountered this problem.

Since without this patch we are recording incorrect information, I think
it should be pushed for 0.15.

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