bundle buggy idea

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Mar 23 15:13:51 GMT 2007

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> I think it might be helpful if the log messages were separated a bit so
>> that
>> message one
>> message two
>> message three
>> with
>> an extra space in it
>> message four
>> Could me more easily grouped my message.
> Yeah, that's why I set the background color to blue.
>> The only thing that comes to mind are explicit breaks, though. (<HR />).
> I'll try a top-and-bottom border.  (Doing side borders makes it look
> messier to me.)  You like?
> Aaron

I'm not sure if you need both top and bottom borders. Maybe just top? Or
maybe a bit more padding.

I think it is easier to read than before, but now it is getting a little
bit cluttered.

I do think it is better than 1 long text, though.


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