[ANN] Cygwin Bzr config utility 0.3.2

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Mar 23 07:43:10 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> ...
>> Hmmm.
>> I remember I can run my utility in Cygwin from Midnight Commander just with command:
>> python bzr-config.py
>> and this don't require to explicitly run X server.
>> Hmmm?
> What toolkit are you using?

Do you mean GUI toolkit? Tkinter (of course, because it's a standard
python gui toolkit).

I have standard Cygwin installation from the internet.
I have python2.4 in Cygwin installed, I have bzr 0.14 manually installed
and can run bzr-config from bash console. See attached screenshot.

bzr-config starts in separate window. And all works OK.

> I think it requires X because he is using cygwin's python. And whatever
> gui toolkit you are using requires X when run from cygwin.

I don't know, I don't use cygwin heavily. But it seems that tcl/tk libraries
in cygwin's python installation has been built as native win32 gui,
without mandatory needs for X.


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