Bazaar and web hosting

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Mar 22 20:28:41 GMT 2007

Massimo Manca wrote:
> Is it possible to install Bazaar on a web page hosted by a provider
> without having administrator rights?

If you just want to host a Bazaar branch on a web page, all you need is
filesystem access (ftp, sftp, are generally sufficient). With just ftp
and http you can push your branch somewhere public, and other people can
download it.

If you also want to host a Tree (so that you can see the working files
with just a regular web browser), then you probably need shell access (ssh).

Bazaar can certainly be installed as a local user, but you need access
to python 2.4 or 2.5. That can also be installed locally, but it would
require having a compiler to build it.

If you do want to install Bazaar as a local user, you can use 'python install --home=/alternate/path' and it will install to
/alternate/path/bin/ and /alternate/path/lib/

The only thing you need to do is let python know where to find it, by
setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable.


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