Add global option --root=dir to specify location of .bzr

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Mar 16 09:17:59 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 10:33 +0300, Jari Aalto wrote:

> DIRRENT "VIEWS" TO THE PROJECT (or "overlays")
> ----------------------------------------------
> Think it form this perspective. The bzr quickly added CVS/SVN style
> central-cehkout support, because that was the typical workflow of
> group projects, where code needed to be at authoprative place. This did
> not hinder the use of the initial distributed model at all.

Actually, other VCS's *do* permit arbitrary workspaces mapping into the
VCS database in complex ways. I'm not at all sure that these are a
feature for all except the most extreme circumstances, and while I think
bzr should support most anything, not at the cost of alienating our
primary users.

Certainly, if we want to go in this way theres a *lot* of analysis that
needs to be done to come up with a clean UI, correct behaviour and a
bunch of detail. Until thats done I'm very much opposed to introducing a
behaviour like the proposed --root option which could easily lead to a
horribly confused setup.

With regards to the direction of bzr, I think we have plenty of
challenges in front of us, and we should not stop our current momentum
until this is worked out, but that said - I will happily provide input
should you want to work through the mass of issues that something like
--root raises, so that in time it can become a beneficial feature.
(Rather than the thing that scares the bejeezus out of me right now).

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