[MERGE] Cleanup and test Lock objects

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Mar 15 18:58:46 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> John Arbash Meinel ?8H5B:
>>>> +    class _ctypes_FileLock(_base_Lock):
>>>> +
>>>> +        def _lock(self, filename, openmode, lockmode):
>>>> +            self._open(filename, openmode)
>>>> +
>>>> +            self.hfile = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(self.f.fileno())
>>>> +            overlapped = OVERLAPPED()
>>>> +            p_overlapped = ctypes.pointer(overlapped)
>> ^-- In my own programs I use ctypes.byref() function to pass pointer to some
>> struct in C-function as argument. I'm okay with your implementation though.
> Either way. I was looking for a way to get a pointer, and this is what I
> found in cytypes.
> Your idea is
> result = _LockFileEx(self.hfile,
> 		     lockmode,
> 		     0,
> 		     0x7fffffff,
>                      0x00000000,
>                      overlapped.byref(),
>                     )
> Is that correct?

No, ctypes-object does not have .byref method.
It should be actually: ctypes.byref(overlapped).

> I actually submitted this, because I thought you approved from my add-on
> patch. 

Sorry for this. I vote on your second patch earlier and want to study big one as well,
but don't have the time to carefully read your big patch during this day.
I hope I help (a little).

> But I'm happy to do your cleanups and submit them.
> By the way, Alexander, my branch at:
> http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr/0.15-dev/locking
> now has proper support for updating the dirstate during 'bzr status'.

Great, thanks.

> It also has updated fcntl locks, so it exposes the same bugs in our
> code. (Places where we are opening the same tree 2 times, and expecting
> to be able to take a read and write lock at the same time).
> You may want to give it a look.


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