path tokens

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at
Thu Mar 15 14:48:20 GMT 2007

> * ... and the fact that the copy occurred is clear in the log (svn
> does not iirc)

FWIW, it does show it with log -v:

  Changed paths:
     D /dir
     A /new-dir (from /dir:1)

> * and when annotating B, you also see correct annotations for lines
> that came from A
> * (any others here?)
> Advanced support for copies seems to mostly mean merging, and seems to
> require knowing more about what the copy means.  Are they copying the
> file to split it, or make a new copy of the same thing (like the gpl
> example).

It'd be fantastic if bzr could let the developer know about changes
in lines coming from the original file.  Since we can't predict what
behavior is really wanted, a conflict could be enforced in such
cases, even if the patch would apply cleanly, so that the user must
go over and review what was changed. Probably not easy to implement,
but being able to track which lines came from the copy (as mentioned
for annotating, above) would be a first step.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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