unknown encoding

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu Mar 15 12:11:06 GMT 2007

On 3/15/07, Adam Mercer <ramercer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I've just install bzr-0.14 on Mac OS X and whenever I call bzr at get
> the following warning displayed:
> bzr: warning: unknown encoding . Continuing with ascii encoding.
> I've tried looking for whats causing this or a solution but can't find
> any relevant documentation.  Does anyone know whats going on here and
> how I can fix it? Or any documentation that discusses this?

Hi Adam,

This is because your locale setting is not supported by your python
installation.   Can you tell us the output of the 'locale' command and
the setting of $LANG?

The quickest way to get going is probably to do

  export LANG=C

someone more familiar with macs might be able to follow up...


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