Knit corruption message triggered by KeyboardInterrupt

Martin Pool martinpool at
Wed Mar 14 23:28:38 GMT 2007

On 3/15/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> > I think giving some context on what we were trying to read when we hit
> > the error could be good.
> Well, that was the point of raising with the version_id, and self._filename.
> >
> > Actually in some cases, such as this, it's incorrect and alarming to
> > say there is knit corruption, we should just say "error reading knit"
> > and let people draw their own conclusions.
> >
> I would be fine with having KnitReadError instead of KnitCorrupt. Though
> it seems like it would be the same error, just with a different error
> string (and name).

Yes, that's what I had in mind.

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