[MERGE][BUG] 92195: merge-directive does not respect smtp_server setting

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Mar 14 15:18:28 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel has voted +1 (conditional).
Status is now: Conditionally approved
We still have the extra whitespace in NEWS, which should be cleaned up 
before submitting.

Otherwise I'm happy to have this merged.

As a point of reference, it is usually good to force a non-ascii 
revision id (by passing the value to tree.commit), so that you can make 
sure you have end-to-end support for non-ascii ids.

Having started actually testing utf8 revision ids, I found a lot of 
areas that really did not support non-ascii anything. I'm still not 
positive that we *want* non-ascii, but if we are going to claim it, we 
should make sure it is tested.

(One source of problems is that cElementTree changed the api at some 
point to return 8-bit strings for ascii characters, and only return 
Unicode when it needed to. So we actually *were* passing around 8-bit 
ascii strings inside bzrlib, when we thought we had Unicode).

For details, see: 

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