[MERGE] HTTP redirection

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Wed Mar 14 10:52:51 GMT 2007

>>>>> "john" == John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

    john> John Arbash Meinel has voted +1 (conditional).
    john> Status is now: Conditionally approved
    john> Comment:
    john> With the cleanups, I think this is mergeable.

Cleanups done (thanks again to Aaron for the grammar remarks),
but I'm still writing the tests for bug #88780.

    john> Should we wait until 0.16 for this, though?

I intend to provide a new patch today but as I said the bug
#88780 may be encountered often by people branching from launchpad
or using the lp: facility, so 0.15.final seems a more appropriate


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