[MERGE][Trivial] NEWS updates post 0.15-rc1

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Mar 12 20:42:25 GMT 2007

A lot of the recent merges have accidentally been updating the NEWS 
record for 0.15-rc1. Since 0.15-rc1 has been officially released, all of 
these should be in DEVELOPMENT.

Also, there were a couple bug fixes that didn't get NEWS entries.

The attached bundle fixes up NEWS to be correct (at least from all 
changes post Robert's "Setup for 0.16 development.").

A couple of the changes are actually just moving within 0.15-rc1 (from 
TESTING => BUGFIXES, for example). So I left those.

I'm just submitting this as is, since it is just a NEWS update.

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Name: NEWS_0.15+.patch
Url: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/attachments/20070312/ccfaa7ec/attachment.diff 

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