Unable to contact committer

Wichmann, Mats D mats.d.wichmann at intel.com
Mon Mar 12 19:11:40 GMT 2007

> The AUTHORS file seems to be a good solution, but it would be nice to
> have a clean solution in bzr that could handle this use case.

We have a similar case here, and I consider it something outside
of the version control system.  When we were on cvs, we had a
perl script that trolled through the commit messages and made a
translated table when that's something we wanted.  Expect to
do the same for bzr, although haven't had occasion to put it
into use yet (although if I write it, it won't be in perl :-)

people do move on, it's completely natural.  I agree with
the other comments that the committer ID is really just
"an identifier", not any kind of guaranteed contact, and 
I don't expect bzr to handle for me tracking where those 
people are a few years on.



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