[merge] make RevisionSpec_revid always return a str

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Mar 11 15:49:07 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel has voted +1 (conditional).
Status is now: Conditionally approved
I would change this to:

revision_id = self.spec
if isinstance(revision_id, unicode):
    revision_id = revision_id.encode('utf-8')

# self.spec comes straight from parsing the command line arguments.
# So we expect it to be a Unicode string. Switch it to the internal
# representation.
revision_id = osutils.safe_revision_id(self.spec, warn=False)

At least for me safe_revision_id is meant to be so that the general code 
doesn't have to know what the encoding is. And as long as there is a 
comment as to why, warn=False can be passed.

If people don't prefer this, I suppose we can use a different idiom. Say 
a different osutils function rather than a parameter to the existing 

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