[MERGE] rand_chars() optimization

Dmitry Vasiliev dima at hlabs.spb.ru
Sun Mar 11 14:14:46 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel has voted +1 (conditional).
> Status is now: Semi-approved
> Comment:
> Well, if we are going to optimize this one, I have a couple other hints.
> First, I like the dictionary.
> But appending to a string is expensive, because it has to generate a new 
> string each time. I'm not sure how this effects rand_chars(16) which is 
> our common case, but it should be a big deal for rand_chars(50).
> And then, if you are using a dictionary, you should make it a local 
> variable before the loop.
> So this is what I would do:
> def rand_chars(num):
>   _map = _rand_chars_map
>   return ''.join([map[b] for b in rand_bytes(num)])
> Using a list comprehension, and then doing using string.join should be 
> faster.
> I tested a list comprehension versus a generator, and 'timeit' says that 
> the list is faster. I assume this is because the string can iterate once 
> to figure out how long it needs to be, and then again to merge 
> everything together. (13us per loop versus 10s) per loop.
> So I'm happy with your version, but there are a couple more tricks we 
> can apply.
> Can you benchmark it with the alternative, to see how much it helps?

Actually I've already tested list/generator comprehension versions and 
surprisingly version which appending to a string was faster. But I 
didn't test version with the mapping as a local variable.

After I've added the local variable test results are:

  - Generator comprehension: 6577ms/6921ms
  - List comprehension: 5608ms/5921ms
  - New version with the loop: 5405ms/5750ms

I've attached the new version with less memory-aggressive benchmark and 
the mapping as a local variable.

Dmitry Vasiliev <dima at hlabs.spb.ru>
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