Dirstate state - calling all early adopters

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Mar 6 23:43:05 GMT 2007

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Robert Collins ?8H5B:
>> The dirstate branch now has all its tests passing, and Martin and I plan
>> to do code review and merge it tomorrow first thing. The format markers
>> have all been updated, so early experimenters and dogfooders will need
>> to hand adjust them - sorry, but it makes the life of other users much
>> easier when they have to update their bzr version.
> Do you look at windows-related issues? There was problems with
> executable bits (at least).

I'm pretty sure I addressed that for bzr status on March 5th, revno 2447.

So you probably just need to update your copy of dirstate. I'm hoping to
take some time to soften a few of the win32 rough edges today.


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