[MERGE/RFC] Merge directive support

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Tue Mar 6 16:27:47 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I'm pretty happy with where I've gotten to on merge directives.  I think
they're now usable as a format.

Because they can contain bundles, they have all the advantages of
bundles.  But they can also refer to branches instead of bundles, so
they can be more succinct, when the number of revisions is large.

And because they can refer to branches, they can provide more useful
information to Bundle Buggy, and can (in theory) be used by PQM for
request submissions.

I have not implemented a couple of things from the spec: multiple
signatures and actions.  I think those can safely be left for a phase 2,
if directives prove useful.

The merge-directive command is intended to supplant the bzr-pqm and
submit-by-mail plugins.  Therefore, it directly supports signing and
mailing directives.

For an example of the format, see the attached merge directive.  If
there's something you don't like about the formatting, please let me
know soon.

Here's the command help:
usage: bzr merge-directive [SUBMIT_BRANCH] [PUBLIC_BRANCH]

Generate a merge directive auto-merge tools.

  -h, --help            show help message
  --mail-to=ARG         Instead of printing the directive, email to this
  --sign                GPG-sign the directive
  -m ARG, --message=ARG
                        Message to use when committing this merge
  -r ARG, --revision=ARG
                        See 'help revisionspec' for details

  Patch type:
    --bundle            Bazaar revision bundle
    --diff              Normal unified diff
    --plain             No patch, just directive

Here's the commandline I used:
$ ./bzr merge-directive --sign http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev --diff
- -m "Add support for merge directives"> ~/patches/merge-directive.patch

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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