line endings redux

Nicholas Allen allen at
Tue Mar 6 11:37:22 GMT 2007

> There was some (relatively) recent discussion here along those lines 
> (Jan 16,17,31 and Feb 1st).  For convenience, I'll summarize the last 
> state of the discussion as I read it here:
> * A .bzrignore-like file (proposed: .bzreol) with globs stores the 
> defaults
>   for line ending conventions.
I think it would be better if it were more general than this. That is, 
line endings are just a versioned property on a file and so a file that 
decides on default properties for newly added files that match reg exps 
would be better IMHO.  Then you can add whatever properties you want 
into this file...
> Some open questions to spark discussion and/or further spec writing:
> * What command(s) are needed to manipulate the EOL property on 
> existing files?
I guess it could be done like svn. That is there are general commands to 
edit properties and you would use this to edit the predefined property 
that determines EOL style.
> * When a user upgrades a branch to the new working tree format, how do 
> they set
>   the appropriate eol properties on existing files in the tree?
I would have thought that they would have to use the property edit 
commands. Maybe something like:

bzr propset bzr:eol native *.py

Also another thing that would be nice is a file encoding property too. 
The file would be stored in the repository using one encoding but could 
be different encoding in the working tree. I'm not sure how bzr deals 
with this issue at the moment....


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