(bzrtools) make bzr clean-tree --ignored not wipe shelved patches?

Marien Zwart marienz at gentoo.org
Mon Mar 5 23:41:13 GMT 2007


Patches shelved with "bzr shelve" from bzrtools currently go into a
".shelf" subdir of the root of the working tree. This directory is
added to the list of ignored files. That seems reasonable enough (to
prevent a directory users normally do not care about from showing up
in "bzr st" and friends) but it also means "bzr clean-tree --ignored"
(which is normally quite harmless, and which I run often to get rid of
stale generated files) kills the directory.

I think this directory should be treated more like the .bzr directory
is: as an implementation detail of bzr itself that does not show up in
the ui at all. Perhaps it would be possible to move the .shelf dir
into the .bzr dir? Perhaps there is some other way to hide it from the
ui (without treating it as an unimportant file at the same time)?

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