confusing messages

James Westby jw+debian at
Thu Mar 1 17:56:22 GMT 2007

On (01/03/07 09:42), Sam Steingold wrote:
> James Westby wrote:
> > On (28/02/07 12:07), Sam Steingold wrote:
> >
> >> $ bzr status
> >> pending merges:
> >>   Stefan Reichoer 2007-01-29 Applied minor fix for dvc-build.el from 
> Sascha...
> >
> > This means that you have done a merge from the other branch, but haven't
> > done the last step of committing it. This step is required as you are
> > supposed to ensure that the merge happened as you wanted. You then make
> > a commit to say that you are happy with the current state and want to
> > carry on.
> This appears to imply that I need to do "bzr commit" after "bzr update".
> I did it and got:
> $ bzr commit
> Committed revision 137.
> $ bzr missing
> Using last location:
> You have 1 extra revision(s):
> # this appears to imply that the master branch has 136 revisions,
> # while mine has 137 revisions, which is not good.

Yes, you have a merge commit, i.e. a checkpoint that says "I am happy
with the code that I got from this other branch".

If you want to have this commit on then 'bzr
push' it there. If that isn't your branch then it will have to wait
until they grab from you.

> ------------------------------------------------------------
> revno: 137
> committer: Sam Steingold <sds at>
> # I am not! the committer is Stefan Reichoer !!!

Yes, you committed the merge commit, the author of the commit that made
the change in question is Stefan. If you do a bzr log then you will see
an indented commit by him that has his message from the fix. It is
indented as it comes from another branch, and was merged in. The commit
has the same status in the branch as all the others, it just looks
different in log.

> branch nick: dvc
> timestamp: Wed 2007-02-28 14:13:40 -0500
> message:
>     Stefan Reichoer 2007-01-29 Applied minor fix for dvc-build.el from 
> Sascha...
> $ bzr status

Here bzr status is quiet as everything is happy.

> $ bzr merge
> Merging from remembered location
> Nothing to do.

This means that your current branch contains a superset of the commits
in that branch. A merge will only do something if they have something
that you don't.

> $ bzr update
> Tree is up to date at revision 137.
> $ bzr uncommit
>   137 Sam Steingold     2007-02-28
>         Stefan Reichoer 2007-01-29 Applied minor fix for dvc-build.el 
> from Sascha...
> The above revision(s) will be removed.
> Are you sure [y/N]? y

Now you have uncommitted the merge commit, and set it back to a pending
merge, as can be seen below. 'bzr status' will now report this again, as
you told it you were no longer happy with the merge by doing the

> $ bzr missing
> Using last location:
> Branches are up to date.
> $ bzr status
> pending merges:
>   Stefan Reichoer 2007-01-29 Applied minor fix for dvc-build.el from 
> Sascha...
> So, I am still confused: what do I need to do to shut "bzr status" up?

As Aaron said you can do bzr revert. This will get rid of the pending
merge, along with the change that you merged.

However it seems like this is not what you want, you wnat to have that
change. In that case you should merge and commit.



  James Westby   --    GPG Key ID: B577FE13    --
  seccure key - (3+)k7|M*edCX/.A:n*N!>|&7U.L#9E)Tu)T0>AM - secp256r1/nistp256

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