[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: Access control]]

Sabin Iacob iacobs at m0n5t3r.info
Tue Feb 27 21:36:19 GMT 2007

Jeffrey Cunningham wrote:

> This came through alright, but it shows up as being from you 
> personally. Go figure.
> How difficult would it be to add something like List-Id: bazaar-devel 
> to the list emails?
> --Jeff

(funny, I replied an hour ago and my message didn't make it; oh well...)

as others have said, mailman does add List-Id (many people filter 
messages using it);

a reply-to: bazaar at lists.canonical.com header would be very useful (I 
tend to forget to change the address, or add a cc, and maybe I'm not 
alone), and would also remove the private/list confusion :)

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