[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: Access control]]

Jeffrey Cunningham jeffrey.k.cunningham at boeing.com
Tue Feb 27 20:17:41 GMT 2007

Robert Collins wrote:
> Jeffrey Cunningham wrote:
>> How difficult would it be to add something like List-Id: bazaar-devel to 
>> the list emails?
>> --Jeff
> In your mail:
> List-Id: bazaar discussion <bazaar.lists.canonical.com>
> Note that you may be seeing both the direct reply, and the one via the 
> list, and only the one via the list will have the list id.
> Cheers,
> Rob

You are absolutely correct. The only emails I have containing List-Id's 
are the one's coming from the list. The emails from both you and John 
have no List-* headers at all.

But when you cc the list, shouldn't I be receiving those as well? I'm 
only receiving the one in each case.


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