[BUG] Bzr installation is completely broken

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Feb 25 14:34:44 GMT 2007

Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Hi,
> I did a setup.py install with the latest code base and now bzr refuses
> to run at all. Even if I install an older version I still have this
> problem. Here is the output I get:

You need to remove your old bzrlib/ install before installing a new one.

This is a bug in python's built-in install functionality. In that it
just adds files, it doesn't remove old ones. I think if you just delete
"C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\bzrlib" first, and then install bzr it
will work fine.

You may want to copy ...\bzrlib\plugins\* first, in case you had any
plugins installed.


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