Tailor / converting between bzr and git

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Feb 18 15:45:38 GMT 2007

Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> Hello all,
> Does anyone have any experience of using tailor to convert between
> different VCS systems?  The documentation on the Darcs wiki, and the man
> page, are not very clear.
> I'd like to be able to convert a git branch to bzr, can anyone advise me?
> Many thanks,
>     -- Joe

Sorry for taking so long to respond.  I have used tailor a little bit,
though I haven't specifically used it to convert from git to bzr.

In general, you need to start by creating a configuration file, which is
generally done with:

  tailor [OPTIONS] --verbose > myconfig.conf

And then after that you run with:

  tailor --configfile myconfig.conf

And it actually does the conversions. You also might peek at the
myconfig.conf file and make sure it is reasonable.

So for git to bzr you would do something like:

  tailor -sgit -tbzr -R /path/to/git/files -T /path/to/bzr/output \
    --verbose > myconfig.conf

You may need to supply '--module', but I don't know what that would mean
for either bzr or git, so I would probably leave it off.

It might be easiest to try it with a small test project, just to make
sure it works.


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