[MERGE] Re: bzr add .bzr/

Matthias Rahlf rahlf at fs.tum.de
Tue Feb 13 13:23:09 GMT 2007

Hi again,

>> $ bzr add .bzr/
>> bzr: ERROR: Cannot operate on <bzrlib.add.FastPath object at 0xb75826ec>
>> because it is a control file
>> It seems, FastPath is missing a __str__() method.
>> I'm not familiar with the development process. Should I file a bug
>> report or is there a friendly developer who would adopt my patch?
> Our development process use TDD, so you need also write the unit test
> for this bug. I think blackbox test will be good enough.

Ok, done. Is this what you want?

bye, matthias
"No matter what anyone tells you, Bane, it really is the size of your
gun that counts."
                 -Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) in "Batman & Robin"
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