[RFC] locking decorators and iterators

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Feb 13 00:22:03 GMT 2007

I ran into a nice bug today, and its structural in our code.

In short:
extras = tree.extras()
'foo' in extras => True

This is because while extras() requires a read lock, and even takes one,
the lock expires before any code from extras() executes: calling the
method simply creates the iterator object. tree.add() then replaces the
inventory attribute on the tree object during its write lock, and when
you execute 'foo' in extras - finally at this point it looks at the
current tree inventory.

After a conversation with Andrew about this, I have several things to
suggest. I think our needs_*_lock decorators should check, and complain,
if the function they are decorating is a generator. This can be done at
load time, and should be very fast. The reason is that these decorators
are ineffective on generators.

Secondly, I wonder if we should just start returning lists, to avoid
such race conditions as that above.


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