[rfc] help on formats should indicate default

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Feb 12 19:34:45 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> Would it be reasonable to at least tell the Registry what the default
>>> is, and then the help formatter can use that as a hint?
> I think so.  Would we ever want to vary the default by command?  (In
> that case, it would go in the RegistryOption, instead.
>>> Do we actually need --log-format to have a per-branch default? I can see
>>> maybe having a global default.
> My guess is no.  My only counter-example is if a project has a special
> changelog format that they always use.  But even so, aliases...
>>> Then again, I'd be okay with just having default be the normal default,
>>> and if someone has gone to the effort of configuring a different log
>>> formatter for their branch, I'll let them figure out why default isn't
>>> the standard default.
> I would prefer to show the actual default, because the user may not have
> configured it themself.  But it's not a strong preference.
> Aaron

Well, it seems that would be that "bzr help log" would have to try and
figure out what current directory it was in, and grab the Branch, and
then Branch.get_config()... its quite a bit of work.

And it also means that it will be wrong for "bzr log http://foo" versus
"bzr log ."

So I think showing what the global default is, rather than trying to
figure out the current state is a lot more reasonable.

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