PQM is too queued

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Feb 12 18:41:56 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hi all,
> It sucks that PQM queues all requests in order, regardless of project.
> I submitted a request at 1600 UTC.  It's now 1826, and I'm still stuck
> behind the same pending merge, with 5 pending non-bzr requests before mine.
> I don't think that I should care how long another project's test suite
> takes to run, especially since I don't even know what project it is.
> Stick me behind other bzr requests-- that's sensible.  Waiting 2.5 hours
> for an unrelated request to complete is not.
> I don't know whether the solution is to get our own box or to make PQM
> handle different projects in parallel, but the current situation leaves
> lots of room for improvement.
> Aaron

Well, if that other project is Launchpad (which it typically is), I've
timed it as each submission taking approx 1hr.

So if you are stuck behind 5 submissions, you are talking about waiting
5 hours, not 2.5.

And I'm guessing the test suite is only growing. So soon it may be
1.5hrs per submission.

I've mentioned it too, though my feeling was it may just be best to have
a separate pqm instance. Maybe running on the same machine, maybe just
running on a less powerful machine, since bzr doesn't take as long as
Launchpad to test.

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