[RFC] Would like input and suggestions for some bazaar leaflets at PyCon
Elliot Murphy
elliot.murphy at canonical.com
Fri Feb 9 18:26:19 GMT 2007
A few of us will be attending PyCon at the end of February. Canonical is
sponsoring this conference. As a sponsor, we get to distribute some
promotional material. Matthew Revell and I have been talking this
morning trying to come up with some information to show on the back of a
Bazaar leaflet that will be included in the conference materials for all
PyCon attendees.
While we are trying to put this material together quickly, we'd like to
ask the entire Bazaar community for review and suggestions on the
leaflet to ensure that it accurately represents the project and is very
high quality.
I've attached the current draft for the front of the leaflet that
Matthew has created with input from several people - your comments and
suggestions are very welcome. Please do be specific though - if you
recommend changing how something is described, it is most useful if you
include the suggested replacement text.
Where we need the most help is with creating a back for the leaflet. The
current idea is to promote how "Bazaar works the way you do", and
showcase several (4?) common workflows or topologies that Bazaar
supports very well. Here are some ideas - I apologize that I've not had
time to scour the wiki as completely as I would have liked to mine
existing material.
* Using bzr to track and contribute to a project using a subversion
server. Need a few sentences describing the foreign branch
cababilities for subversion, mercurial, and git, and then
show example commands to branch from a subversion server, make local
changes, and push changes back up to the svn server.
1) bzr branch http://need/an/example
2) hack hack
3) bzr commit
4) bzr push (any special details we should include here?) is it possible
to set up a demo subversion server that people can try out to see
that pushing changes back up works?
* Using bzr to version a local personal project, perhaps when you don't
even have shared web space available. Explain how it is possible to
exchange bundles over email.
1) Go into the directory with the code
2) Run 'bzr init'. This turns your directory into a bazaar branch by
adding version control metadata in the .bzr directory.
3) Run 'bzr add'. This adds the files in your project into Bazaar so
they can be tracked.
4) Run 'bzr commit'. Commit the set of changes you made.
5) Now that you have a Bazaar branch, you may wish to share the code
with someone else. A common way to do this is by pushing the code
to a shared location, such as an sftp server. If you don't have a
shared location, you can also send changes around in email, using
the 'bzr bundle' command. To send someone the last commit you made,
run 'bzr bundle -r -2..-1 > lastchange.bundle'. The lastchange.bundle
file will contain both the human readable diff for the change and
the Bazaar metadata necessary to merge the change into a Bazaar
branch, and this file can be safely emailed.
* Centralized workflow. Bazaar is known as a distributed revision
control system, but it doesn't force you to use a complicated
workflow. If you are working with a small team of developers and
want to use a central server with lightweight code checkouts, you
can do it.
1) show how to run bzr serve?? or another way recommended?
2) show commands for doing a checkout without getting all the history.
* distributed workflow, using shared repositories
Need description of a simple distributed setup, advantages of using a
shared repository, and example commands for setting up a project to
work this way.
Should we have any graphics describing the various topologies or just a
textual description? Anyone on the list have skill at creating those
kinds of graphics?
Thanks in advance for all the help and suggestions. We need to finalize
the content next week (week 7) in order to get this to the printers in
time, so if you can contribute to even just one portion of this it is
very much appreciated. Help us tell the world how great of a tool bzr is!
-elliot (static on #bzr)
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