dirstate progress
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Feb 9 07:01:41 GMT 2007
[This email is intended to sync John up with me on dirstate's progress,
I'm copying the list incase anyone else wants to hop in and code - the
branch is at sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr/bzr/dirstate/].
So, I'm currently working on the code to change the cached parent data,
which is the 'set_parent_trees' api, and is invoked whenever we do a
commit, merge, uncommit or update operation. This is the API responsible
for transforming the current bzrlib structure -
tree at revisionid/fileid/entry data - into the dirstate internal structure
- path[with entry data]/revisionid-entry-data
Its nearly working, but something seems wrong, possibly with the test
test_set_parent_trees_no_content, which is throwing a NoSuchFile, I
think because the two test trees are getting different roots, which is
likely a problem with the call to tree2.add('') - thats where I was
going to look next anyhow.
Once I get test_set_parent_trees_no_content passing, I planned to run
'./bzr selftest dirstate', and investigate the next failure that crops
up - whatever that may be.
GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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