RCS Comparison table and ease of use

Matthew Hannigan mlh at zip.com.au
Fri Feb 9 03:30:31 GMT 2007

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 03:20:48PM +0100, Nicholas Allen wrote:
>  ...  But I agree that svn does not really 
> support this [tags]

I think that's overstating it.  SVN clearly does
support tags.  You can argue with the niceness of the
implementation, but they work for me.

If you insist that they're not really tags, you'll first
have to define what a tag is; and we know how hard that is.

Apologies for the almost OT nature of this post, but I feel
that much of the discussion on the net of VCSs is severely
mis/under-informed and so would rather not see that misinformation
added to.


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