trac post-commit hook

Sabin Iacob iacobs at
Thu Feb 8 22:38:20 GMT 2007

Martin Pool wrote:
> There is no such mechanism at present but we'd definitely like to add
> one when the smartserver is a little further along.  There were some
> posts from Robert recently talking about both the server and hooks.

after digging a bit through the source, the best way I see it done is by 
extending the protocol, since the server only handles storage 
operations, am I right?

> As an interim measure could you maybe have a hook on the clients that
> sends a message to trac, perhaps just with 
>    ssh tracserver tell-track-about-commit ...

done, but it's quite a fragile setup, for adrenalin junkies only; the 
server support is definitely the right way, can't wait for it :)

here's how the results look: , 
some documentation is on the same trac wiki (I posted a link last night)

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