trac post-commit hook

Sabin Iacob iacobs at
Wed Feb 7 21:19:46 GMT 2007

Hi list

after a bit of fiddling I managed to port the trac SVN post-commit 
script to bzr (trac+trac-bzr) and it works like a charm, however I have 
a problem: the hook is only run when I commit from the same machine as 
the trac environment; is there a way to have bzr+ssh run hooks defined 
on the remote machine when committing?

I am not sure I know what I'm doing, but here is what I'm trying to 
accomplish: local branches bound to public branches stored on my web 
server (and browse-able/ticket-able, etc. with trac). One idea would be 
to mount the trac environment over some network fs (probably sshfs), but 
I was hoping for a more elegant solution that doesn't involve mounts I 
can forget about so easily.

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